Our display at the 2017 International Motorcycle Show.
"The world's largest motorcycle tour show."
All Members: We are looking for 15 Motorcycles to participate in our display this year at the Long Beach International Motorcycle Show.
SoCal AMCA members will be given first position to show their bikes. Bikes must be in the show from Friday noon until Sunday at 4 pm. Free admittance for bike owners and their helpers. Free admittance for SoCal members who want to man the booth.
IMS is looking to highlight two bikes for their advertising so now is the time to get recognition for your ride.
This is a premiere opportunity for SoCal AMCA to be in the public eye and gain new members.
Anyone interested in participating, please contact SoCal AMCA Event Coordinator Steve Sorenson at (323) 743-3063 or socalamcanewsletter@yahoo.com.
Show info is here: https://www.motorcycleshows.com/content/ims-vintage