Horseless Carriage Club's 64th Annual Holiday Motor Excursion
By Craig Dillmann
Sunday, Dec. 29, 2019
The Horseless Carrage run this year was another hit!! Our group consisted of Big Tim Graber and his sidekick Steve from Orange County. Aboard his hot rod model T......Tom, Diane and Duke Hart in Diane’s Model A along with Kelli Delzer in tow. Tom Lovejoy was on his Henderson and I was on my trusty 741 Scout... yeah the same Scout that fireman Graber torched a few years ago up north!! There was another fellow who joined us on a 40s Indian Chief didn’t catch his name.
We rode through Pasadena, San Marino and nearby cities finally lunching at the Northwoods Inn. There were countless cars from the brass era. It’s worth a trip just to see the cars. After lunch, we cruised over to the dessert house where all kinds of sweets were offered. The place is interesting to say the least. A huge property with a train meandering through it. All kinds of restorations going on in back buildings!!
Good news to report: Mr. Thomas Hart only got us lost twice this year all the while his brother Duke was holding a map!! Last year, Tom Lovejoy and and I literally almost got sick as Tom Hart was so lost we went around the same block count ‘em seven times… we were seriously dizzy after this escapade.
Seriously, one thing has me a tad worried: the two Toms are planning a trip this summer from Galveston up the Mississippi River on their Indians, and guess who is laying out the route: none other than Tom Hart. Good luck! I can see it now, a side trip to Tupelo will be a wrong turn to Tallahassee!!
Below are some photos from the event taken by Kelli Delzer.